Women’s Naked Yoga – Why I’m Taking the Women Away from Mix-Gender Yoga Classes

Women’s Naked Yoga: Why I’m Taking the Women Away From Mixed-Gender Yoga Classes

by Isis Phoenix REBLOGGED via Young Naturists America

Isis Phoenix“Why are you taking the women away from us?!” exclaimed one of my most devoted male yoga students. He was a man in his late sixties and a longtime naturist who for most of his life was deeply committed to a nudist lifestyle. This was in 2008 when I was newly teaching naked yoga classes in New York and had a small but devoted following that filled up my twelve-person yoga studio several times a week. The comment came as a reaction to putting a women’s naked yoga class on the otherwise mixed-gendered weekly yoga schedule. The comment was almost childlike when it exited his mouth. “Why are you taking the women away from us?! That is a horrible idea!” he said, sounding more like an eight year old whose elementary school teacher had just informed him that recess would be cancelled rather than a mature sixty-eight year old yogi dedicated to a bi-weekly practice…. Read the FULL STORY BELOW: http://youngnaturistsamerica.com/womens-naked-yoga/

2 thoughts on “Women’s Naked Yoga – Why I’m Taking the Women Away from Mix-Gender Yoga Classes

  1. sensualshaman Post author

    This was a lovely response sent to me via email from the Connecticut Young Naturists about Women’s Naked Yoga. I thought to repost it here:

    “I think what you do, which happens to be actually doing something, is a lot more effective. A couple people were saying that they didn’t like same-gender classes and didn’t think they were beneficial in their experience. I disagree, mainly because they were men who had likely been established naturists saying this. Like it or not, there’s a major difference for your average male getting nude for the first time with others, and your average female. Society has kind of, for a lack of a better term, sucked lately, and it’s not like men are immune to it, but the women of today still have it tough, if not tougher than before when it comes to body issues and self confidence.

    It’s kind of hard to cold turkey do something as brazen as being nude with others and just accepting it. That’s part of the premise of the “Getting Started in Naturism” series I’m working on, how though the only real step is “Get Naked”, it’s a lot more complicated than just doing that.”


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