Monthly Archives: September 2018

NAKED YOGA Class FAQ – Seattle

I’ve taken and distilled down the most frequent questions I receive as well as some additional information that is unique to this particular monthly naked yoga meet-up in Seattle. Every naked yoga class will come with their own unique FAQ and rules of etiquette.


three leg dog copy

What time should I arrive? Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class to get signed in and find your spot. There is no late entry to this event. Doors are locked at the beginning of class to allow for a safe space free of disruption.

 What should I wear to class? Clothes that are street legal.

When do we take our clothes off? All yoga students take their clothes off in a disrobing ritual together lead by the instructor. Please stay clothed until you are instructed to remove your clothing.

 Yoga assists – will my yoga instructor be touching me in class?  During class, the instructor may correct a posture with her words or with her hands with your consent. Because yoga can take the practitioner into an altered state, we like to get your expressed consent around desiring hands on assists up front. At the beginning of class you will be given a consent card that you will place at the front of your mat. This card has two sides – a “YES! I would like hands on assits” or “NO assists today please. ”Place your card by your mat where the instructor can see it. You will not be touched by the instructor without your consent in a yoga class.

Will I touch another yoga practitioner in class? Maybe. We may at some point explore a group balance pose that asks you to place your hand on another yogi’s hand or back for balance. You are welcome to make this a solo balance pose or use the wall for support if you would prefer not to have direct physical contact with another person during your yoga practice.

Is it okay to take a look around the room at the other naked yogis? Balance in all things. First you’re here for you and your yoga practice, but you’re also here to practice in a group environment. Aren’t naked bodies practicing yoga interesting and beautiful?! How exciting that we’re practicing in an erotic art gallery where we have become essentially moving art! Of course it’s natural to look at another person and appreciate their beauty and to let it inspire your yoga practice. We also ask that you don’t ogle or overtly stare or become distracted from your yoga practice with your outward gaze. Drishti is the Sanskrit word for gaze, internal consciousness or even point of view. Please focus your drishti on your own practice. If you find your eyes wandering to another person’s body or to a specific piece of erotic art on the walls of the studio, try closing your eyes and returning to your body, your breath and your practice.

 What if I become aroused and something ‘comes up?’ This is not a class or yoga practice that focuses on raising sexual energy. At the same time this is not a yoga practice that ignores that we are sexual beings who possess sexual energy. Your erection, like the rest of you is welcome here. If an erection happens, breath, acknowledge it silently with gratitude and return to your practice.

What should I know about body hair and personal grooming before class? Any and all of your body hair including your personal grooming preferences in any style and form is welcome.

How much previous yoga experience do I need? It’s useful to have taken at least a yoga class in the past to have foundational knowledge so that this is not your first experience with yoga. Classes are open level and your are expected to take care of your body’s unique needs during your yoga practice.

 Can I just sit and watch? No. This is a class for those who want to practice yoga.

How do I care for my menstrual cycle while practicing naked yoga? Any way you want to including wearing bottoms if that makes you feel more comfortable.

Do I need to provide my own mat? Yes, for hygiene reasons, we do not rent mats. You must bring your own mat. If you do not have a mat you can purchase one for $25 from the instructor with advanced notice. Email Isis: sensualshaman (at) gmail (dot) com

What about chastity belts? Leave those at home please.

I have genital and/or nipple piercings. Do I need to remove them for class? Nope, not unless you find they are interfering with your yoga practice but only you can make that call.

Will there be fragrances in class? Please avoid wearing heavy perfumes or synthetic fragrances to yoga. The instructor will sometimes use a therapeutic grade essential oil at the end of class during Savasana for those who desire to be anointed on their forehead and / or shoulders. This is optional.

Where is the yoga class held and what is the space like? A note about Gallery Erato ~ Gallery Erato and the Pan Eros Foundation is a non-profit 501c3 sex positive educational event space and art gallery. The space is beautiful with high ceilings and dark wood floors. There are rotating art installations and gallery exhibits present on a monthly basis that include a vast range of sex positive artistic expression including depictions of nudity, sexual and gender identity expressions, kink and fetish and BDSM. Some of the art pieces may be provocative and / or potentially triggering. This naked yoga class is not a sexualized practice, but rather one that explores the human body as a form of art.

Is this is an event to find a date and/or someone to hook up with? Nope, this is a yoga class and an exploration in svadyaya the yogic principle of self-study. No cruising please.

The instructor reserves the right to ask anyone to leave at anytime for any reason.

Have another question? Email Isis or post it in the comments here 🙂

From the Archives! Naked Yoga movement of 2007 in New York City.

I found this gem of an article stored in the card board boxes under the stairs in my home in Seattle. It was written by Abigail Ekue who attended one of my first naked yoga classes in New York City.

#NormalizeErections #NothingToWorryAboutAfterTenSunSalutes  #AbigailEkue #GoddessInEveryWoman #CityScoops #NakedYogaIMG_9403