Monthly Archives: September 2016

“How naked yoga helps improve body image and reduces anxiety”

“DOING yoga naked may not be everyone’s idea of a great way to work out.  But for a growing number of men and women across the UK it’s the hot new fitness trend.

And the craze may not be that much of a stretch of the imagination — both yoga and being naked have health benefits, so why not combine the two?

Yoga’s many health-boosting properties are well-documented — from reducing anxiety and stress to easing back pain and improving lung capacity…”

Read the full article HERE


“Naked Yoga Fans Shed Body Image Shame as well as Clothes”

Mention nude yoga to the average person and you’re likely to get a giggle or a squirm, or maybe a joke about downward dog.

Ask Amy Patterson and she might giggle too, or show an interesting pose she discovered on Instagram. But she also gets serious.

Naked yoga, she said, “has absolutely changed my life.”

“Prior to this practice I, like most women, really struggled with a lot of body-image issues and constantly not feeling like my body is good enough, not beautiful enough, not fit enough, not thin enough,” she said. “And I come to this practice and most of those thoughts have pretty much been eradicated from my daily life.”

The 20-year-old Worthington resident started practicing, and teaching, naked yoga this summer. At a recent women’s class that she guided at the Dharma House in Worthington, she encouraged the group to be “acting from a place of gratitude, taking this time to be thankful for your body for all the support that it provides you … thanking yourself for this ability to be real and true and authentic to yourself.”

Read the rest of the article Below