Monthly Archives: April 2015

7 Freakin’ Good Reasons You Should Do NAKED! Yoga

By Zen Marie Holmes via

“Practicing nude yoga allows you to accept yourself, flaws and all. You begin to love and appreciate the unique characteristics that make you, You.”

Riebicke-MyTinySecrets-Nayed-YogaHere are 7 freaking good reasons for you to take off your clothes during your next yoga session:

#1 Nude Yoga Improves Your Body Image

Everyone has parts of their physique that they are uncomfortable with: wide hips, no hips, too fat, too thin, too tall, too short and of course breast, butt, and penis size.

Women in particular have a tendency to feel insecure with their bodies. Especially after having given birth some feel their breasts hang lower, and their waist or abdomen may have stretch marks, excess skin or additional weight – all of which are very natural.

Read the full article HERE: