Tag Archives: naturism

Nudist Equity – Why Providing the Option to Wear Bottoms in Naked Yoga for Women and Transfolk is a Political Statement.

Isis of Naked Yoga Alliance interviews Willow, founder of Naked in Motion

Nudist Equity – Why Providing the Option to Wear Bottoms in Naked Yoga for Women and Transfolk is a Political Statement.

 I had the delight of interviewing Willow of Naked in Motion, who is currently teaching naked yoga and Pilates classes for all genders in New York City.

Tell us a little about yourself.

nimwildI go by Willow. I’m from a small conservative town. I was a dancer and a performer so movement has always been of interest to me. I’ve been teaching Pilates for over two years and have recently added yoga to my teaching repertoire. The conservative environment I grew up in was filled with body negativity and sex negativity. My mission is to change the way people feel about themselves to make the world a more peaceful place. It’s about starting a dialogue between oneself and one’s body through movement. We block these lines of communication through clothes to shield our insecurities and also belief patterns that assert that we’re not enough. This is about opening that channel back up again to find self-compassion.

 What inspired you to teach a naked class?

I began co-teaching with a male partner of mine. Now I do it by myself. I never thought I would ever do anything like this, but I’m a very sex-positive and body-positive person. I don’t too offer much of the spiritual side of yoga and I don’t require anyone to be on any specific level. You don’t have to be fit, be thin or even able-bodied. There are all kinds of people and they say how helpful this practice is for them. This is more than yoga. It’s about a personal journey you take with yourself. It challenges messages that the media gives you, challenges fears. This practice takes the journey inward and you have an opportunity to really learn a lot about yourself.

Did you grow up in a body-positive or nudist-friendly household?

I grew up in a household with people struggling with their weight, and there was a lot of body shaming around this issue. It was hard to watch family members be so hard on themselves. I happen to be a skinny, white woman, but it’s almost entirely due to genetics, and I recognize the privilege in this. Because of my upbringing, I have great empathy for those who are struggling with feelings of shame about their weight, and it fuels my passion to create safe spaces where they can learn to love themselves. If you berate your body all the time, it’s not going to cooperate. Our culture has a fat phobia. We are fed so many images of thin, in-shape photoshopped people who are pretty and we think in our minds that that’s the only thing that is attractive and acceptable. In my classes, there are all different body types and we all have rolls and wrinkles. I think a class like this makes one less judgmental of people in one’s everyday life – especially around body size. I have more compassion for people and myself after having taught this class, and I know many of my students feel the same way.

What is your current class schedule?

I teach a weekly class in New York City and will be adding more and I have a monthly women’s and transgender class.

nimbluemainWhat can someone expect when they show up to your naked yoga class?

I attract people who are comfortable with social nudity and also attract newbies who are scared or nervous. In order to create a safe space, I make it clear to people what is expected of them. You come in and you still wear your clothes. I go over the rules so people know what’s expected of them. I ask for consent before touching a student to make a correction in their posture. Identity within the class is kept confidential. I discuss erections so people know what to do, and also to make them less of a big deal. I inform people that this is not a space for cruising or to pick up a date. Sobriety is a rule. And everyone gets naked as a whole. We begin dressed and then we disrobe together. I do some meditation followed by yoga and some Pilates. The classes are candle lit and are in low lights. The windows are blocked off for privacy.

What is the current demographic that is showing up at naked yoga?

The demographic is heavier on the male side. It can be up to 40% women but tends to rest more in the 25-30% area. More men in general show up to naked events. There are reasons why women are typically more timid about coming to my events and afraid of social nudity. Sexual abuse, objectification and assault are unfortunately a daily reality for many women, so the lower female participation doesn’t surprise me at all. I was a little scared when I first tried it myself and I was the teacher.

Is nudity required in your class?

Full nudity used to be mandatory, however, women emailed about the possibility of wearing bottoms. After a while of teaching it occurred to me that I want more people to experience this practice, not just the people who are privileged enough to feel safe enough. When I offered the possibility that women and trans identifying folks could wear bottoms to class for any reason, the gender ratio became much more balanced. There are some issues that I think should be examined in the nudist community around this. Women have been kicked off of nudist beaches for wearing bottoms when they are on their periods. Cisgender men cannot know what it is like to menstruate. This mandatory nudity rule felt like part of the patriarchy trying to be in control of women’s bodies. Women and trans folk can wear bottoms for any reason. It is required that cisgender men are nude for class.

If nudist communities continue to exclude women on the basis of menstruation, we are never going to get close to a less patriarchal society. I also invite transgender people to use or wear anything that they need to affirm their gender. I’ve got criticism from men about these new rules. I want to explain myself to men and be the source of education about this issue. Everybody wants more women to be present in these classes. When there are more women, people feel safer. It is in everyone’s best interest to have more women present in class. When women take off their tops, they are already participating in nudity. When men take off their tops, they are not. You can see male joggers without tops and it feels normal. If a woman were to be jogging topless, it would not be seen as normal, she would be seen as nude. The bottoms policy gives the message to people after centuries of oppression that I am allowing you to experience this is in the way that makes you feel safe. There is nothing equal about the experience of a man and a woman naked in a space together. Nothing. That doesn’t exist. My bottoms rule is about equity, and it gives a marginalized and oppressed group tools that they need to have a successful experience. Equity in this space gives those marginalized groups more privilege and something to make them feel safer. It doesn’t mean that more people wear bottoms in class. This new rule says, I understand where you are coming from and I support you.

Tell me about a memorable experience of a class that’s touched your heart:

A woman who had recently lost a lot of weight wanted to reward herself by coming to class. At the end of class, she told me that she used to hate her breasts. She thought coming to class would be about celebrating her weight loss, but being forced to look at her breasts for the entire class, she confided in me that maybe there was nothing wrong with them after all and she could grow to love them.

Who do you hope to attract to your classes?

I want to attract the people who want to grow in their compassion or empathy. Everyone has some kind of limitation – physical, mental, emotional. This practice provides an internal dialogue with your body to figure out what’s going on. It’s an opportunity to figure out how to communicate with your body on your journey. I want to attract people who never thought they’d ever come to a social nude event, people who want to challenge themselves and explore the possibility for compassion and empathy.

 What are your hopes and dreams for Naked In Motion?

I want this to be a national phenomenon. Pushing all kinds of buttons, converting people who never thought they would do this kind of thing. I want people to learn about themselves. Our motto is “Join the movement” – we’re moving our bodies and we’re also a political movement. Success for me is starting a movement where more people of all genders and all body types are more comfortable and willing to try it out. Success for me is more people ready to take an internal journey, ready to listen to themselves and take care of themselves.

What advice would you give to someone who is curious but also nervous or scared about trying naked yoga?

You are the perfect candidate. If you are nervous, or think you’re too insecure or not something enough for this class, then you are the perfect person to come and experience this class and this practice. This is a place for everybody to explore that fear and self-criticism with kindness. Maybe you’ll feel less alone. We all have limitations and self-criticisms.

Where can people who are interested find out more about your classes?


30 Days of Naked Yoga Love & Naked Yoga Photo Contest!

Dearest Clothes Free Yoga Practitioners, Naked Yoga Selfie ContestOn January 16th, I am beginning a 30 Day Naked Yoga challenge. I will be posting a self-taken photo (also known as a selfie) of a different yoga pose each day with a body positive affirmation for the next thirty days leading up to Valentine’s Day. The goal of the challenge is to celebrate the practice of naked yoga as a gateway to greater self-love. The challenge will culminate on Valentine’s Day which I officially now proclaim as a day of naked yoga love. YOUR CHALLENGEIn this time, I encourage you to submit your favorite self-love inspired naked yoga selfie with a body positive affirmation or a testimony of how you feel practicing naked yoga. In the end, I will create a collage of the best photos to post on the Home page of Naked Yoga Alliance. The best nude yoga selfie photographer will be interviewed and a final article with their photo will be published on the Naked Yoga Alliance website. Inspirational Naked Yoga Selfie Contest: Photo Guidelines & Etiquette. Full body shots only. No blurred faces. If you’re shy, you can pose facing away from the camera. Be tasteful. Be creative. Take the photo yourself. (I do that using a timer app on my iPhone camera as well as a spider tripod) Please no explicit focus on genitals. Most importantly have fun. You can submit up to three favorite photos of yourself for consideration. The best naked yoga selfie photographer will be interviewed and have that interview featured on the Naked Yoga Alliance website. When submitting your photo please include: Name (first name or alias is fine) Age, Location, and Yoga Pose as well as a one or two lines of inspired text around how you feel practicing naked yoga. Final date for photo submissions is Feb 13th 2015.  Email photos and info to Isis: nakedyogaalliance@gmail.com Good Luck!

Video on How to Practice Nude Yoga

Nice Video! Self-assuredness is not required however among participants. Some show up because they are not self-assured but because they have a commitment to work on that. I LOVE the idea of cold calling studios if only for the shock factor, however, a more gentle approach I personally recommend is a google search or reaching out to a Tantric community. They tend to know where the naked yoga classes are being held. And approaching a yoga teacher to teach nude yoga is a GREAT idea!




Women’s Naked Yoga Class with Isis Phoenix starts in Leominster, MA

Women's Naked Yoga

Dear Naked Yogis! It is my pleasure to announce a new women’s naked yoga class beginning in Leominster, MA on Wednesday nights 6-7:30pm. The class is for women and is $20. RSVP is necessary for location as space is limited. There’s more information available HERE

Women’s Naked Yoga is a beautiful sacred and naked yoga practice for women. There will be a focus on vinyasa yoga and body positive affirmations as well as Taoist energy cultivation practices. Our naked yoga practice will focus on spiritual aspects of the divine feminine, loving self-care of our bodies and the intimacy and bonds of female community. Email Isis: sensualshaman (at) gmail to register.

For all of the male yogis, I will be offering a gender inclusive class once a month as soon as a large enough space is secured for the practice. Thank you for your inquiries.



Beth’s Story ~ “My Body is always communicating to me…”

Isis Phoenix’s Interview with Beth Nolan.Beth Nolan, 48. Beth Nolan is a Licensed Massage Therapist,Yoga teacher, energy healer using Reiki and Dowsing and Health Kinesiologist. 

Beth Nolan
I’ve always been a nudist, a naturist, someone who wants to be free.  When I was little, I loved to streak.  Needless to say, my parents found my nakedness inappropriate.  Growing up, I was confused why I had to wear a shirt and my older brother didn’t.  My parents wouldn’t allow this inherent freedom of expression and celebration of the body, especially the female body.  In Kindergarden, I was at a sleepover at a friend’s – I decided to try my luck and walk around shirtless to see if I cold get away with it.  My friend’s mother came up to me immediately and said “I don’t know what you do in your house but we don’t allow that here.”

At age twelve, I developed psoriasis.  My parents generation was one that grew up idolizing doctors.  No doctor could find anything to cure me.  My streaking subsided.   Then there was an actual need to cover up.  Itchy, red, scaly patches on my knees and elbows, on my torso and scalp.  I always wore long pants and shirts.   At the beach I would cover up in a onepiece.

Beth Nolan 2In my teens, I was in a bad car accident.  It left me with a limp.  I found an amazing chiropractor that worked with me on healing my body.  He introduced me to the power of energy medicine, dowsing and muscle testing.  I was amazed at my body’s ability to heal itself with this support.  I started working in the chiropractic office as an assistant when I was seventeen.  I became attune to the energy meridians in people’s bodies and learned how to support patients with supplements and diet through muscle testing and dowsing.  It took a few years, but muscle testing ultimately helped me keep my psorasis in check by figuring out what foods were causing my irritation and what supplements would support my digestive system.

The chiropractor’s office was just the beginning.  I went on to train and become a massage therapist.  My mom couldn’t understand why I would want to touch people and always had questions about who I was massaging.  To me it was a natural extension of my own healing journey. My massage teacher told me, in order to have any longevity in massage, I needed to practice yoga.  I did yoga for years as a way to heal and restore my body and eventually went on to become certified as a yoga teacher.
I’ve been working in some form of alternative healing for over 30 years.  As for my own healing and exploration Tantra, breathwork and Orgasmic Meditation has helped get to the bottom of core issue.  The issue of shame. As I release the deep seeded beliefs of my family, It has been a big part of my own healing and then became a gift I could offer others. Trauma, injuries, conditions – they come and go, but each accident or illness has taught me more about my healing journey.   My body is always communicating to me, if I eat sugar the itchy scales start up again.  By listening, I’m present to my body’s needs and I am really grateful to have these tools to support me and free me from old beliefs. In my celebration of self love and connection, I’m hoping to guide other people on their healing journey.

Beth Nolan 2Beth teaches naturist yoga in New Yoga and New Jersey.

“What Naked Yoga Did for Me” by Mukanda via Random Musings

“Naked yoga probably sounds weird and crazy to many but if you take the time to understand it (and maybe even try it!) I bet you will see how it has the ability to be very beneficial. It was (and is) to me. The first time I tried it I had only done yoga on one or two occasions because I had to for high school gym class. Being naked in front of total strangers was not something I would ever consider doing. But when I found out naked yoga existed I thought this might just be that outside-the-box remedy I was looking for to help me overcome all the insecurities I felt about my body.
As a boy growing up playing many different sports I always felt like I was too small and too weak which sent me down a self destructive path full of drug use, depression and suppression of the negative feelings I had about myself and my physical appearance. It wasn’t until I discovered naked yoga that I felt comfortable enough to embrace my body and feel good about the way I looked.

Raed the full story HERE


Naked Yoga in Cleveland!

CLEVELAND — In Cleveland, there is ‘No Place Like Om.’

That’s because inside the yoga studio on Detroit Road, the practice is done in the buff.

“This is the kind of yoga class where you don’t have to worry about what to wear,” said Buck Harris, yoga instructor…. Read More Below.


Is Naked Yoga Legal ??!

Naked Yoga with Isis PhoenixSurya from D.C. writes to me this week a common question that I have received from yoga teachers who desire to begin a naked yoga class in their community.

“Hola Isis! I am setting up Naked Yoga classes in D.C. beginning next month and a big question asked is …. is it legal?  I don’t believe it is but i wondered if you have an answer you give when this question is asked? 
Much love and appreciation for sharing! 



Hi Surya! I’m so excited you’re spreading the naked love in Washington D.C.

I’ve taught primarily in New York so my knowledge is of New York laws around consensual social nudity. Here’s what I’ve learned.

 1.    Legal in a Private Location. Basically, naturism in a privately owned or rented space in New York is legal. I taught hundreds of classes in my apartment building in New York and at a few local yoga and dance studios who had supportive building owners and managers. My experience teaching naked yoga has been mostly isolated to New York.

2    Nudity for art’s sake is legal. New York has laws that protect public nudity when it is for the sake of art which is why Andy Golub gets to paint naked bodies in Times Square. Early in my teaching, I rehearsed and filmed for a naked yoga documentary on the top of an art gallery of a three story building.  That three story art gallery was right above a high-rise hotel and a rooftop restaurant. We were seen by many who were not part of our class but those who saw were amused or seemed to shrug it off as a “New York Moment” as we never received any complaints that I know of.

  1.   Nudity as part of a religious act is legal as long as there is no mal-intent. There are special cases where nudity is protected because it falls under freedom of worship where being naked and saluting the sun could be a form of religious worship as long as it does not infringe on another’s right to worship. I wouldn’t go saluting the sun in the buff on the steps of someone else’s church.
  2. Partial nudity is legal and this right is protected for women meaning both men and women have the right to be topless. New York is one of those rare states too that support women’s rights to be topless in public regardless of if they are a nursing mother or someone who is simply sunbathing. In fact in New York there are many topless events that happen publicly like the topless book club that meets in Central Park.

Social nudity is a regular occurrence so tap into your local communities to fill your classes and receive support as well. There are regular nude events in New York that include naked painting events, naked comedy and even naked dinners at New York restaurants and other nude social activities. These are done in private settings or settings where art is a focus. Some public events skirt the issues of legality if they move fast enough to avoid getting arrested such as the naked bike rides that seem to be popping up in different big cities like New York, Boston, Montreal.

Several other states such as Vermont and Oregon that have laws in place that protect people’s rights to be naked socially.

You need to check with the state laws in your area if you are teaching in Maryland. Naturist Action Committee http://naturistaction.org/ breaks down the nudity laws from state to state. I find an interpreter for the legal jargon is good to have on hand. Here’s what a few naturists who are lawyers have shared with me about your situation in Maryland.

My lawyer friend, naked yogi and legal interpreter Eric shares “Yes, from my reading of the statutes, Naked Yoga is legal in D.C.  Basically, the act prohibits exposure or actions which are “obscene, indecent or filthy.”  According to Supreme Court rulings, prevailing community standards would apply in interpreting these vague (perhaps meaningless) words.  Unless sexual activity is involved (which of course it would not be in the type of naked yoga classes with which I am familiar), the practice of naked yoga would not be deemed to be obscene, indecent or “filthy” (god, what a bizarre choice of words, no?).   Particularly if it is done in a private setting where only those who choose to do so can witness it.  If done publicly, there might indeed be a high risk of prosecution.  You should be aware of this case in neighboring Virginia, where a person was prosecuted for being naked in his own home, with his blinds open, and was observed by a passer-by:


Even in that case, though, there is a likelihood that some sexual act would be required for conviction. I believe the judge dismissed this case and the defendant was not convicted.

So, to be on the safe side, the naked yoga class should not be visible to passers-by or members of the public.

In addition, also to be on the safe side, participation should be limited to those 17 years of age and older.  

I hope this helps!”

FEDERAL LAWS: If you are teaching in Maryland State you come under state laws but if you are teaching in D.C. that is different and refers to Federal Laws and also Municipal Laws. There is no anti-nudity law in place on the Federal level. Many aren’t even aware of this including certain citation officers that could write you a ticket if you were naked in a state park or by a state monument in D.C. The Municipal laws of D. C. however, state (a) It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to make any obscene or indecent exposure of his or her person, or to make any lewd, obscene, or indecent sexual proposal in the District of Columbia under penalty of not more than $300 fine, or imprisonment of not more than 90 days, or both, for each and every such offense.


What makes something obscene is often how it is perceived. So you would most likely want to choose a private naturist friendly location to hold your classes and right now there are no laws in place that would/could keep you from doing that.

If I could give you two tips they would be below:

Create Alliances: Best to be transparent that your classes include nudity with whoever you rent space from to avoid problems in the future. I find it useful to align with a body positive community perhaps one who is already exploring naturism or an arts community that is body positive. Strangely, the yoga community can be very conservative around nudity, much less so than say a dance or arts community.

Sign Waivers: Have your students sign a waiver too of your choosing of words to protect yourself but something along the lines of that everyone is a consenting adult who for the purpose of this class agree to be naked and that they will be around other naked people and that they are in good health and sound mind and release you of any responsibility for injuries etc.

Here’s some additional arm-chair legal advice from naked yogi Lloyd.

“Two issues that have plagued us in the struggle to advance a body-positive culture are the vagueness of the laws and the reliance on interpretation by the mythical “reasonable person” or “community standards.” It allows the citing officer and the judge to interpret the incident anyway they want. Avoiding trouble and winning in court are two separate issues.

I assume avoiding trouble is the main concern here. Four points come to mind:

1. Maintaining open and cordial communication with the owners of the facilities and the neighbors is crucial. People don’t sue or report their friends to the police.

2. Second, yoga is well established as a popular health discipline free from suspicion as a cover for illegal sexual activity (massage, for example, does not enjoy this freedom). Emphasize the “yoga” over the “naked.”

3. Third, yoga carries religious overtones which offers cover on the basis of freedom of religion. Anything exotic also lends itself to excuse from “community standards” precisely because it is not something commonly found in the local community. Officers are reluctant to cite activity that may be some exotic religious practice than something they’re more familiar with as fronts for prostitution.

4. Finally, nonsexual mixed nude recreation is well established. Naked yoga can be presented as a variation of nudism or naturism by alternatively referring to it as “nudist yoga” or ‘naturist yoga.’ “

This is a clever write-up from AANR American Association of Nude Recreation on the Nudist Bill of Rights. http://www.aanr.com/nudist-bill-of-rights You can add your signature in support.

My final advice would be to reach out to MARNA (Maryland Area Naturists) http://marnacamp.org to let them know about what your plans are they can also inform you of the legalities of your state and district and things to be aware of. They will know all about legalities and nudity on a state level as well as navigating any potential legal problems. They have been around a long time. So glad you’re spreading the love up there.

When I’m in D.C. I’ll totally stop in and take a class. 

Hope this helps!


Isis Phoenix



Parental quandaries around teen naturism

Question From a Father:

“I have a question and am getting a few people opinions. I have a 16 year old daughter and she knows that my girlfriend and I go to nude events and she wants to try it. She wasn’t raised around nudity. Do you think it’s a good idea to let her come with us or wait until she 18?”

Dear Naturist Dad,

Thank you for writing in. What an awesome question. It’s one that puts me on the razor’s edge to answer. It can be a powerful and profound transition for a young woman to step into her power and embrace naturism. I have to say I wish I had grown up with super cool parents who were naturists and shared with me body-positive experiences. Transitioning into a naturist environment in one’s teens, having not previously grown up in a naturist environment is a bit tricky, particularly for parents. First of all I would want to know if there is another parent, your daughter’s biological mother or caregiver who this could be discussed with as well. You definitely want both parents or guardians in the conversation and on board around the decision. If you are a single father, I commend you taking steps to gather more information and writing in about this question and taking on a potentially large and challenging conversation. I am so glad you are asking for support and seeking multiple opinions.

I would also inquire with your daughter why she feels called to explore naturism at this time and what she hopes to get out of the experience. Is it something she and her friends have discussed and there is general interest among her peers? Uncovering the intent for her interest could be helpful for you both. I have an 18 and over policy at my events but certain naturists spaces are family friendly and hold an all inclusive feel. I have taught yoga and facilitated naked church at several of these spaces. A wide range of ages were present and that felt very healing to witness and experience as someone who did not grow up in a naturist environment. At this transitional age of your daughter being a teenager, I would also wonder of your personal boundaries. Are you comfortable with experiencing your daughter in a naturist environment and is your girlfriend comfortable with that as well as I assume she would accompany the two of you. Bridging this environment at such a transitional age and time could be awkward for everyone but that doesn’t mean not to have the conversation about it.

I will also address the elephant in the room too which is that you are a man and this is doubly as challenging for you because it is deemed more psychologically and socially safe for a mother to escort a daughter to a naturist resort than a father. If I were a father, I would either wait until my daughter was eighteen years old allowing her to make her own choices, or ask a trusted female friend who was a naturist to speak with my daughter about naturism and offer to serve as an escort to a family friendly resort. The role of father is the daughter’s protector and transitioning into a naturist lifestyle as a teen comes with too many potentially volatile situations that I myself would not feel capable of handling. I would need to honor my own boundaries as a father and say I wasn’t comfortable with that but support my daughter’s desire to explore naturism when she turns of age.

I would thank my daughter for expressing interest and perhaps speak to her briefly about the healing I had found in the practice of naturism and ask her if she had any questions for me around it. 

Here’s a dialogue I explored previously in another blog post around teenage naturism.

Awesome question!


~ Isis Phoenix


Naked Church at Goodland in New Jersey July 6th!

Isis Phoenix and Rev. Goddess are hosting Naked Church at Goodland in New Jersey Sunday, July 6th 12pm-2pm. Come celebrate your holy body!

Isis Phoenix and Rev. Goddess are hosting Naked Church at Goodland in New Jersey Sunday, July 6th 12pm-2pm. Come celebrate your holy body

Testimonial from a naked church attendee:

“I have attended the Naked Church for about 2 years now and I think most highly of Reverend Goddess Charmaine, Isis Phoenix, and all those who attend these services. The gatherings are always very dignified and non-judgmental, and provide a time and space in which to shed all that keeps us hiding from the world in our daily lives. The absence of fancy designer clothing (meant to impress others) or flashy jewelry (to say “look what I can afford”), leaves nothing but the essence of who a person is — as naked as the day they were born — to be shared with the others in the room. Goddess Charmaine and Isis Phoenix are always friendly, open and welcoming. They exude genuine love, warmth, compassion, and a free spirit that is very contagious. If you have never experienced the pure joy of being completely naked and “vulnerable” yet welcomed and supported by others (in a setting with appropriate boundaries to ensure your comfort) then this is the place to be!!!!!!!!!!” — Kevin

Read More about Naked Church HERE

Hope to see you at Goodland. We’ll be with our friends the Young Naturists.